Thursday, July 8, 2010

Second Day

All is well in puppyland. We had a very quiet night, I didn't even have to get up to do any puppy rescues (i.e., pups squawking after getting caught under or behind Willow). All the pups have gained a few ounces of body weight since birth which is excellent, and Willow looks great and has a normal body temperature with no abnormal discharge. Willow is being a nicely attentive, but not obssessive, mom. She is eating well and producing top quality milk.

The pups are currently housed in a small wading pool in my bedroom, and I use a babygate to prevent my other dogs from visiting. This offers Willow some privacy and I can easily monitor the pups at night. Rather nice being serenaded to sleep with baby puppy mewing. This time of year, no problem keeping the pups warm. The art is balancing the temperature so warm enough for the pups, but not too warm for Willow.

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